Tuesday, October 8, 2013

We can do this!!!

Hello Ladies, 

I have wanted to lose this "baby fat" ever since my youngest child was born.  She just turned 11 last week.  I don't think it's baby fat anymore.  It's just plain fat.  So, it's time.  And I am so happy that Jenny and Jodi decided to get the ball rolling with creating the spreadsheet and getting us all motivated to work together towards a healthier lifestyle.  I don't know about all of you, but I have no personal discipline when it comes to exercise and eating the way I know I should.  I start for a few days, (actually I start every Monday, then by Wednesday I have given up) and slip up, so I just give up all over again.  I like the idea of having "accountability" partners.  I'll help you if you'll help me.  Sometimes all it takes is knowing that someone else is suffering as much as you are.  Just knowing that someone else feels your pain gives you the strength to keep going, if not for yourself, then for the other person.  You know the ol saying, "misery loves company", well I've always found dieting to be miserable.  So let's approach it from a new angle and not consider this a diet.  Diet is just die with a t. I prefer to think of it as the beginning of the new me. The me I'm supposed to be.  The me I want to be.  THE ME I WILL BE!  Let's do this.  Let's go on this journey together.  Let's use this blogsite to rant, rave, check in, share recipes, share tips & ideas, just share.  And know that you are not alone.  I'm ready.  Let's do this!!


  1. Laura - this is AWESOME! Thanks so much for starting this. Now I just have to figure how to add stuff and keep up with it. Together = We can do this.

  2. I had one of those awful moments this weekend where I felt pretty at a wedding I attended and then looked at a picture of myself with my boyfriend. All I could focus on was the size of my arms, not the smiles on our faces, but how large I have become. I was devastated; and then proceeded to drown my sorrows in not one cupcake but two. Of course, I then felt worse about the whole thing. I look forward to working on developing better coping skills for lifes challenges and becoming closer to all of you in the process.


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